
This blog is about life in general and everything in between. Most of the articles posted here are from people who generously shared their lives to others. This is my tribute to them.

Journey with me today. Let's talk about life and how to live it fully everyday.

It is my prayer that as we learn from each other, we will be able to bring out the best of who we are, as God intended us to be - His children living a life of excellence and fullness.

ALL for HIS glory and honor!

God bless my friends,

Man vs. the Beast (originally written on Jan. 27)

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I just can’t resist writing something today – had a great laugh watching AXN with its man vs. beast program – my, a Japanese hunky athlete against a bear, yep, a BEAR in a hotdog-eating contest. The bear was called the Alaskan cruncher and it consumed 50 hotdogs in just 2:36 seconds while the Japanese had 32 hotdogs in the same time.

Now, I’m watching a fat man vs. an orangutan. My, is this world getting crazy or what? Hahaha… but I had a good laugh.

You know seeing the man so competitive while the beast being natural and winning the contest – haha.. you should see the eyes of the Japanese while looking at the bear – the look of fear was there while the bear had that I-don’t-care-who’s-looking thing in its eye. Just enjoying it’s time with the hotdogs.

And yep, back to the Bornean orangutan vs. the Sumo wrestler in a tug-of-war and my God, the orangutan won and it was cheering – wow, amazing! Look at that! Great game.. God is indeed great! Such amazing creatures!

Am looking forward to the next bouts: 188-pound elephant vs. 44 little people and a 600-pound zebra and 3, 000 pound and 12-feet giraffe vs a 24- year old runner (9th time Olympic winner).

Well, guess who won? You got it – the elephant and the zebra. The giraffe, by the way had little problem with its long legs. So, the Olympic winner won.

Ah, man vs. beast is indeed funny and crazy at the same time – but it would lead you to be in awe of the creations of God – beasts and men alike.

written last January 27, 2008
Lispher Inn, Davao Room 205